Upon arrival in Ukraine, mission members visited the retirement house and met the residents. They also met some people who live in the village “Blagoveshenkа”. There’s a family of 9 that resides in this village who’s roof burned down in a house fire. On the first day, missionaries, Vitaliy, Denis, and Vladimir helped them to temporarily cover the roof, as they are expecting rain over the weekend.
In the meantime, Alina, Angela and some of the residents of the house helped sort out the clothes that were sent from U.S. to give out to the villagers on Sunday.
Denis along with mission members started the construction of a little house on the property to use as “church” for Sabbath services.
Also, a member of the church in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Liliya, looks after the house and cooks for the residents, and keeps the house in order. Missionaries are working on remodeling a room in the house where Liliya could live when she stays at the house.
There’s a lot to be done in the limited time that mission members will be in Ukraine, but they are going to try to get as much done as possible.