Fun Day For Kids

As it was planned, on Sunday, some of the missionaries with the help of some people from the Dneprodzerzhinsk church, brought clothes to the village “Stepovoe” where the residents each took whatever they needed.

Afterwards, all of the kids from Blagoveshenka were invited to the missionary house for games, lunch, and presents. Mission Friend brought a volleyball net for the kids, and while the boys played soccer, the girls were learning how to play volleyball. Liliya cooked everyone pilaf for lunch. Then at the end of the day kids were handed out notebooks, covers, and treats, such as cookies and ice cream.

In the afternoon, while the kids were gathering for the games, Alina and Anastasiya, a sister of faith from Dneprodzerzhinsk church, helped paint the windows in the retirement house.

The day was productively spent, and the kids had a good time.
