Contest on Facebook.

Mission Friend held a contest for the profile photo on our Facebook page. Contestants had a set amount of time to come up with a drawing or picture that in their opinion represents charilty and love. All of the submitted pictures were up for vote by all of our Facebook friends. Which ever picture got the most “likes” won. The winner was Lilya Lebedeva, and this is the photo that she submitted.

CMFIf you’d like to view all of the pictures submitted, you can do it here.


Mission Friend in Ukraine.

Mission Friend is accepting donations for survivers of rebel attacks in Ukraine. If you would like to donate the entire sum of your donation for this cause, please specify so at the time of donation. You can donate online by clicking the “Donate” button on the right sidebar or contact any of the mission members. We thank you for your generosity! May Gob bless you!


Umbrellas for sale!

As the rainy season continues in Portland, we’d like to remind everyone that we have umbrellas for sale. We have two kinds, a compact black one which can fit in a bag or a purse, and another black one, a bigger size with a long handle and both have this logo on one of the sides. If you are interested, please contact us through our email
