
In November of 2003, Daniel Pavlov had an idea to organize a charity which would help the poor. The charity was named Mission Friend and the recieved donations were sent to different parts of the world. Soon after Daniel got married and mission was put on hold. That was until Vitaliy Groz and Irina Shaban decided to take over and continue Daniel’s work. In 2005 Rita Litvinenko came along to work for mission. At that time mission also began sponsoring two children:

Jose Anderson
Dominican Republic








Vendis Dorain 



Every month these kids receive $40 each. Soon after, mission Friend started helping people in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Mission members bought food and other necessities for a few elderly women, seven year old boy, and a single mother with a newborn child.

In 2007 mission had a few new members who wanted to work towards helping the poor. Those people were Dasha Nesterenko, Katia Pavlova, Olesya Dumitrash, and Angela Litvinenko. Also a group of teens oganized a sub-mission Love of Christ to help collect money for Mission Friend. The members of that mission were Tonya Grevtsova, Irina Litvinenko, and Diana Veklenets. In that same year, the mission had organized six garage sales, where they sold clothes amongst other things that were donated by the members of CC7D church. Thanks to those garage sales, mission has raised $2,100. Altogether in year of 2007 mission has received $11,000.

In 2009 mission Love of Christ united with Moission Friend, and Tonya Grevtsova and Irina Litvinenko became members of  Mission Friend replacing Dasha Nesterenko and Rita Litvinenko. Although the garage sales have stopped, the mission didn’t stop growing. Friend spread it’s support beyond Uzbekistan and started helping people from Ukraine and Moldova.

Mission Friend started making church services once a year with an annual report on how the donated money has been used. In 2010 two new members decided to join mission, Vladimir Pavlov and Michael Groz. Mission decided to register as an official non-profit organization to operate more efficiently.

In the summer of 2011 Friend organized a big charitable event at the Blue Lake park. There was food, games and live music performed by bands such as Alpha, Voice of Salvation, and other members of CC7D church.

In September 2012, Mission Friend became an official registered non-profit organization as a church-based charity.
